Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
Cultural Emancipation by Preserving the Historical and Educational Heritage of Quirinopolis, Goias, Brazil (1832 - 2014)
Eloy Alves Filho, Maria da Felicidade Alves Urzedo, Maria Virgínia Dias Ávila

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


This paper discusses the initiatives to preserve the historical heritage of the city of Quirinopolis, in the state of Goias, aiming at its cultural emancipation. The research about its historical heritage was from the beginning of the city’s settlement, in 1822, to 2004, when the third book with the results of this investigation was published. To consolidate the study’s results, the books were diffused, immortalized and archived in the city’s public library, museum and public schools.

With this information, we can develop actions about the importance of the city’s memory, aiming in knowing the origins, motivations and political projects of the settlers of the region. We can offer points of view for debates clarify old doubts about the city’s settlement and create new questions about its preservation and cultural autonomy.

Methodologically, the city’s community, the City Council, the City Hall, regional and other states’ researchers, teachers from the city, state and universities and churches were mobilized. Qualitative and quantitative analyses established dialogs and linkages between historical sources, bibliographies, documents, maps, photographs, newspapers, magazines, testimonials and interviews.

From this research, three books were written about the city’s history, education, economy, culture, language, in other words, a truly mosaic of environments and sceneries that put Quirinopolis on a prominent position of its cultural, social and economic emancipation in the state of Goias. Therefore, it makes clear the cultural identify here highlighted as our cultural heritage, formed by material and immaterial goods, by its intrinsic value, must be of relevant interest for the cultural identify and permanence of a people. In this sense, Bessa (2004:10) adds “the heritage crystallizes in its manifestations the specificities of a culture: the way a people work, build, celebrate, in short, their way of living.” It is important to know and understand Quirinopolis in its historical and territorial dimension, as well as its particularities, regionalism, cultural and educational heritage, to understand how the city interacts with the whole country.

The research’s results, displayed in hundreds of pages in three volumes, established the global vision of the historical development process of Quirinopolis, especially about education throughout the time. How to incorporate all these in our daily lives, building a historical heritage, was answer strengthen by the city’s museum, libraries and the promotion of this story to several universities in the country. The three volumes are historiographic sources able to contribute to several social sciences in rescuing, understanding and perpetuating facts. The role of the pictures as a complement for the theoretical foundation was positive, since they established traces and helped the researchers to technically present the truth of the reality of the studied object, as well as to understand the human and nature interventions not only on urban areas, but also on rural regions of the city.