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Italianess and School-Books Between The End Of The Nineteenth Century And The Beginning of the Twentieth Century. The Primer and First Readers I Piccoli Italiani in Brasile by Gaetano Nesi and Gemma Manetti
Última modificación: 2017-07-17
This paper is intended to delve deeply into the role exercised by text books in the creation of the identity of Italian emigrants to Brazil. Firstly, the study analyzes the orientation assumed by the political authorities and Italian ministries towards text book material destined for Italians in colonial or ethnic schools. At the same time through the analysis of unpublished sources which come from consular authorities, the issues raised in the distribution and circulation of text books to colonial groups will be illustrated. Dwelling on this connection serves to illustrate the character of published material introduced into the ethnic schools in the various Brazilian states. In particular I will aim to cast light on both the content of the books and their authors. The period to be examined will be that relative to the years between 1875 and 1915. During this particular period, the sources used show in effect, that the text books employed and in circulation, written in Italy by Italian teachers and head teachers, were valued and considered to be perfectly adequate by the competent ministerial authorities for the primary education of pupils in ethnic elementary schools. Alongside these however, were to be found various textbooks directly produced by Italian teachers who had emigrated to Brazil. Within this context the paper is intended to pay particular attention to the primer and readers produced by Gaetano Nesi and Gemma Manetti Nisi who in December 1894 founded and directed the Italian boarding school academy, ”Ai nostri Monti” in Sao Paolo. The content and textual analysis of the school book series known as ‘Piccoli italiani in Brasile’ will examine in particular the readers destined for the first classes in elementary schools. Some of the most significant passages will be spot lighted, - those destined to give incentive to the creation of an identity considered to marry the acquisition of the fundamentals of Italian grammar with the values and norms of behaviour held to be essential also in the collective imagination of the Brazilians, such as hard work, respect for civil and religious authority and the feeling of compassion towards the poor.