Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
The Children’s Magazine O Tico-Tico and Faustina: A Study on Female Character and the Emancipation and Colonization of Standards of Behaviors Taught for Brazilian Girls (1910 - 1930)
Luciana Borges Patroclo

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


This research aims to analyze the character Faustina and her comics narratives published in a Brazilian children’s magazine. Launched in 1905, O Tico-Tico was the first Brazilian illustrated magazine dedicated to this specific audience. Created in 1910’s decade, the character Faustina was married and had a son. The narratives describe her wish to become a modern woman of the early the 20th century. She dreamed to wear pants, take drinks, ride a bike, practice sports and even organize a march against husbands’ power, but, it is important to highlight, that her initiatives always failed. Despite all her efforts, Faustina was ridiculed by others. She was considered an ugly woman and suffered because of this. In some stories, she was submitted to painful procedures in attempts to became pretty (SANT’ANNA, 2013; NOVAES, 2011; FREYRE, 2009). Although his narratives had been published until 1950 decade, the choice to research Faustina’s stories, publicized from 1910 to 1930, is the fact that narratives approach relevant themes for Brazilian society of that time. During this period, intellectuals and the government debated about a new model of citizen and their standards of behaviors (CARVALHO, 2009, 2009; SEVCENKO, 2006). These discussions included the gender relations, in context of enactment of a new Civil Code (1916) that contributed to the establishment of the official societal behaviors of men and women (MALUF, MOTT, 2006). In agreement with these trends, O Tico-Tico comic narratives and sections argued that boys and girls, although equally children, had different social roles. Girls should be early prepared for marriage and motherhood while boys were trained to lead the nation. In addition, they received several advices and teachings on how female readers should care about their body, postures and gestures according to the gender (PRIORE,2013; SOIHET, 2013; FREIRE, 2009; PERROT, 2005; CHALHOUB, 2001; SCOTT,1990). This study about character Faustina allow careful analysis about the way of argumentation of gender relations and the status of women in Brazilian society was demonstrated in this specific comic narrative of the children magazine O Tico-Tico. The methodology used was the document analysis about the copies from O Tico-Tico, whose digitized collection belonging to Hemeroteca Digital, part of Brazilian Nacional Library.