Última modificación: 2017-07-17
The region of Rio das Velhas was the largest region of the Captaincy of Minas, at the beginning of the 18th century. Located in the central-north region of the Captaincy, it was in the very fertile wilderness. The predominant mining activity the southern region, where it divided with the region of Vila Rica, was driven by the gold production. Parallel to the mining activity, urban occupation occurred. This occupation was particularly intense in the central and southern regions. In the surroundings, established-se crops and farms directed towards cattle raising. In addition, it was a very well-geographically located region and became a point of convergence for the routes of trade, both internal (as an example, the center-south route) and external routes (mainly the trade routes with the Court and Bahia's Captaincy). Due to the presence of both urban and rural areas, in addition to the around of the São Francisco River, which crossed the region in a south-north direction, the region of Rio das Velhas had a very diversified economic profile and a very significant population. The encounter of different cultures and the concrete material conditions of life and work are factors that mark deeply the type of society that is present in the Captaincy of Minas Gerais. In view of this wealth of situations, inserted in a larger research about education of orphans from wealthy families of this region in the 18th century, this text intends to present a survey of the places where the educational practices of these orphans, were combined with an analysis of these data. In addition to knowing if these practices occurred in public or private environments and what they would be, it is also intended to observe the locality in which the wealthy orphans lived this education. It is known that the region of Rio das Velhas of the 18th century had villages with intense urban activity while maintaining several farms, more isolated and very productive. It is, therefore, interesting to think whether the fact of living in the villages, camps or farms, more isolated, influenced the types of education given to these orphans. If, for the girls, it is known that education took place inside their homes, it would probably make little difference the place of residence. But what about the boys? Were the orphans, wealthier, inhabitants of the villages, for example, the most frequent of public classrooms? Would they have more contact with learning through masters of mechanical crafts, as a tailor, because of a greater demand for this service in urban centers? On the other hand, would the wealthiest orphans of the farms receive their educational practices through private teachers? In order to answer these questions a mapping of educational practices was elaborated in this region, demonstrating where and what the practices were realized. Theses analyzes help to understand, in a more complete and more complexity how the education of wealthy orphans was given in the colonial period, contributing to analyzes about the History of Education, mainly for Portuguese America.