Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
The Distinction of the Citizen: Reading and Writing in the Teaching Programs of the São Paulo Teaching Yearbooks of 1918
Valter André Jonathan Osvaldo Abbeg, Samara Elisana Nicareta

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


This research aims to identify the elements of differentiation in the prescriptions and consequent distinction of the people in the time-space of the state of São Paulo, using to analyze the programs of education for primary school proposed and published in the Yearbooks of Teaching of the State of São Paulo ( 1918). The Teaching Yearbooks are a document produced by the Teaching Board, signed by the Director Oscar Thompson, who is a member of the State Interior Secretariat of the Government of the State of São Paulo. This document, published from 1907 to 1937, was distributed by the Secretariat to schools, being a restricted publication addressed to managers and educators. In its 1918 edition, it presents in its context the prescription of teaching programs for the public school, indicating a differentiation between four "types" of schools: "ruraes", "districtaes", urban and school groups. Rural schools equipped with first and second year programs, districts from second to third and only urban and school groups with reference to the four years of education. More than the shortening of the road to rural areas and districts, there is a differentiation in the contents of reading and writing, presenting suppression and / or its simplification of contents in comparison to the school group. The prescription of these curricular paths, teaching programs, differentiated for the different types does not at first sight seek their adaptation to the geographical space in which these schools are inserted, but, they aim to construct a multiplicity of paths with the intention to differentiate the subjects themselves from Of a logic of production of school knowledge. In the valuation of certain contents to be taught, for reading and writing, teaching is guided to a growing specificity in the school group, which envisions a greater political and strategic concern. Modern educational policy is evident in the process of classifying and constituting school groups, so in this initial phase of study, there is a differentiated formation for school groups, more specific and demanding compared to the programs of other schools. A distinction of a political condition not only constituting a given subject, but which reaffirms the very dimension of modernity within the scope of the constitution of this new school in São Paulo.