Última modificación: 2017-07-17
British historian Eric Hobsbawm stated that "the destruction of the past - or rather of the social mechanisms that link our personal experience to that of past generations - is one of the most characteristic and dismal phenomena of the late twentieth century." In this scenario, teaching history at the dawn of the new century is increasingly necessary, since critical reflections on the past carries within itself an important emancipatory character capable of preventing future generations from the dangers of forgetting.
Among the main challenges faced by history teachers, there is the lack of interest of students about that issue, due to the alleged lack of pragmatism of the knowledge produced by it.
This research aims to reflect about the potentiality of using visual culture in the classroom, as from the intertextuality of cinema, comics and paintings, thus demonstrating how the contemporary visual cultural universe - notably closer to the reality of the students and, therefore, of their interest - is permeated by references from the past, which is accessible only through the repertoire provided by historical knowledge.
It is also hoped to contribute to the debate on the use of historical sources in the classroom, highlighting the specificity of each of the languages presented, breaking with the merely illustrative practices of these sources and moving toward a closer use of critical procedures adopted by historiography during the ruptures of methodological and epistemological paradigms that marked the 20th century. In this sense, the images cease to be accessories, or even an illustration of knowledge obtained through official sources or textbooks, to be at the center of reflection on the past, providing questions, subjects and different temporalities to be discovered by the students.