Última modificación: 2017-07-16
The present text, part of a thesis for the Doctorate in Education, has the objective of analyzing the Japanese educational network as well as its performance in “Baixada Santista” and “Vale do Ribeira” regions, by the seaside and southern region of São Paulo State respectively in the first half of the twentieth century (1908-1945). The bibliography which explores the subject about the Japanese immigration is very cohesively regarding Education. It was really common, among several Japanese colonies that rose in São Paulo State and other places from Brazil, the presence of schools available for the Japanese language teaching, moreover, the school represented a symbol of progress and prosperity for the colony. The same happened in the regions studied by the present research, where we could find many schools built with the own Japanese settlers’ efforts. From the decade of 1920 on, the Japanese government started supporting directly the Japanese-Brazilian Education by the Japanese Consulate, creating for that the Difusion Society of Japanese Teaching in Brazil. This way, is it possible to question to what extent the actions of the Japanese government interfered in the operation of these schools and, in fact, established a centralizer character to them? Which was its impact in the educational daily of Japanese colonies at their respective schools? What was in fact its function as institution linked to Japanese education in Brazil? The research counted on some more in-depth references about the Japanese immigration and its education as form of understanding of the phenomena, with the objective is to give theorical support to primary historical sources found, for instance, Arlinda R. Nogueira, Zeila de B. F. Demartini, Hiroshi Saito, among others. Supported by the bibliography, the research looked for printed documentary sources, such as photos, school books, books produced at that time by the colony, etc., and research of Oral History. The study observed the Difusion Society of Japanese Teaching in Brazil was crucial to give centrality to the Japanese language teaching, making easier the send and qualification of teachers, dispatching material, besides providing didactic financial support to schools.