Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
Mapping the History of Education in Brazil and Canada: a study of two academic journals in education. Between the specificity of the local and the globalization of the area
Thérèse Hamel, Marisa Bittar, Amarilio Ferreira Jr

Última modificación: 2017-07-16


The creation of the Standing Working Group (Mapping the discipline of the History of Education) under the auspices of ISCHE, in 2014, was a key initiative for us. This is because it has inspired collaborative studies among researchers from several parts of the world. It has also led to a broadening and deepening of the knowledge in this field, as well as giving rise to systematic reflections on the situation and role played by the History of Education in training new teachers and researchers. Following the recommendations of the SWG, we have carried out research into the History of Education in Canada and Brazil which focus on two reviews:  Historical Studies in Education (HSE) and the Brazilian Review of the History of Education (RBHE), which were created by the Association Canadienne d’Histoire de l’éducation and the Brazilian Society of the History of Education.

The HSE, which was founded in 1989, is bilingual (in English and French) and has different editors for each language. The RBHE, which first appeared in 2001, is published in Portuguese. Since they have different historical periods, our research adopts the initial timeframe when the first edition of the Brazilian Review of the History of Education began to circulate; and, 2014 as the final timeframe when we closed the collection of primary source material.

In methodological terms, we worked with datasets from two countries with very different histories and features. However, both the reviews exist together in the international scientific community and share its rules and regulations which are tending to be increasingly standardized and thus they are able to provide us with common material for reflection and analysis. In view of this and using the articles published by both reviews as primary source material, we have mapped the following: the composition of the editorial committees, the gender of the authors; the international nature (or otherwise) of both the articles and the authors. In theoretical terms, the theoretical work of Pierre Bourdieu (1983) with regard to the formation of the scientific field, its tensions and the role played by scientific reviews, proved to be of great potential value to our analysis. In the case of this paper, we will conduct more complete analyses, as well as adding a supplementary factor that connects the reviews to a reflexion about the area of History of Education.

We set out from the assumption that, unlike what took place in the 1990s when books were the most important means of disseminating knowledge in the human sciences, currently this responsibility has been devolved to the  scientific reviews and the lives of researchers in the History of Education and the teaching of this subject, because the knowledge produced by researchers is being disseminated more and more through scientific publications.

Has this represented a narrowing of the range of teaching in contrast with the amount of research that is disseminated by the reviews which are more susceptible to internationalisation? In a world that is globalised, transnational and interconnected through networks, how have these spaces and times for teaching and research been interwoven in the history of Education?

Our paper will seek answers to this inquiry by taking account of different contexts and historical factors, as well as the situation of this subject-area in Canada and Brazil. It will also take note of the international influences that govern the scientific production in this field and determine the specific features and future of the History of Education, and even its very existence.