Última modificación: 2017-07-17
The objective of this communication is to understand the specificities of implementing professional education for male and female workers of Belo Horizonte, MG, between 1909 and 1927. In terms of periodization, such chronological barriers are own to two federal legislative milestones about the referred education: on one side, the Decree n° 7.566, of September 23 of 1909; on the other side the Decree n° 5.241, of august of 1927. How ever, the objective of this research is to size the referred education on its relations with literacy, poverty, politics and work in a city, whose construction started in 1894, and had its inauguration, as a state capital, in 12/12/1897, whom was among the first planed Brazilian cities, besides of factoring 10.000 habitants on this date. Women, children and workers of then constituted a socialy exiled work force, and the factory presented itself as an abominable place of dominace and creativity annihilation of the working class subjected to its boss’s impositions. The present investigation based itself on diverse primary sources: discussions, clashes, agreements and parliamentary speeches occurred at the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais State and at the National Congress, in the Presidents of the Republic messages and the referred State, in educational legislation, in yearbooks of the state education, in reports from mayors of Minas' capital, as well in newspapers published at the referred capital. Such sources were analyzed according to the referential that searches to articulate the contexts regional, statewide and nationwide, however moving on the interrelationship between professional education, exclusion, poverty and marginalization, but interlaced to its dynamics in Belo Horizonte, MG, between the years of 1909 and 1927. Such documents express the speech of variable order, but don't hide the dialectical relationships between the social practice and the social structure, what makes this condition effect of the first. To the disciplinary procedures group of exclusion, as much the men as the women, the working-class, in ageneral way, opposed through an obstinate fight, having as a horizon of expectations an utopia on the construction of a new world, more humane and fairer through different processes in search for emancipation. On this context, is exemplar the female professional education, when beckoned the possibilities for schooling, until then denied for women, when of the arise in Belo Horizonte of the Female Professional School in 1913, which survived until the year of 1960. On the redefinition of social roles assigned to men, women and children, on the restructuring of familiar and sentimental relationships, on the composition of a new social conjugation, the working-class presented themselves with new possibilities that, in some way, pointed horizons of expectations in face of the experience fields of a class routinely exploited, expectations founded on emancipation and liberation.