Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
Brazilian Journal of history of education: trajectory, production of knowledge and international dialogues
Olivia Medeiros Neta

Última modificación: 2017-07-16


The Brazilian Society of History of Education (SBHE) was created in 1999 with the aim of strengthening the production and dissemination of knowledge in the area of history of education in Brazil. Thus, with the creation of SBHE, a new space was opened for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of the production of the area of ​​History of Education represented by the Brazilian Congresses of History of Education and by the Brazilian Journal of History of Education. The RBHE publishes articles, dossiers, translations, reviews and reading notes unpublished in Brazil, related to the history and historiography of education, by Brazilian or foreign authors, reserving the right to order papers and compose dossiers. In this perspective, we aim to investigate the RBHE as a space for diffusion of the production of the area of History of Education, which allows us to study the constitution of a field of knowledge: history of education. To do so we will make a comparative analysis between the themes and objects proposed in the works submitted by Brazilians and foreigners. For the development of the research, we use Bourdieu's notion of scientific field and the bibliometric approach, since it allows establishing relations and analysis based on statistical counts of publications or elements extracted from those publications. In accordance with the proposed objective, we have done a review of the historiography of education and the analysis of the RBHE numbers between 2001 and 2016. We are going to produce data collection sheets organized in Microsoft Excel programs and analyzed by the resources of NVIVO 11 for Windows. The data collection considered general characteristics of the articles published in the Brazilian Journal of History of Education, such as: year and editions, number of articles, dossiers, reviews and reading notes, as well as the privileged subjects in the dossiers and the authors' institutionality. The RBHE published 43 numbers, between 2001 and 2016, with six semester editions between 2001 and 2006; 27 quarterly editions, from 2007 to 2015, and 4 four-monthly editions in the year 2016. These editions brought together publications, being 63% as articles, 20% publications in dossiers, 15% as reviews and 5% as reading notes. The most recurrent themes were school culture, teacher training, school and public education, historiography, memory and educational practices. In the first five years of the RBHE a greater concentration of publications, by foreign authors, was verified, and between the years 2006 and 2016 we found a greater diversity of nationality of the institutions of the foreign authors. The recurrent themes in the contributions of foreign authors were pedagogical ideas, school culture, school material culture and primary schooling. The RBHE is one of the most expressive means of disseminating the historiographic production of the area of History of Education in Brazil, being a privileged source to understand the constitution of the field of the history of education in Brazil, and its interface with international authors and institutions.