Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
Teaching subjectivation processes in Biology teacher training courses in Brazil: historicizing who we should be (or not) through pedagogical discourses
Juliana Marsico, André Vitor Fernandes dos Santos, Marcia Serra Ferreira

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


In this paper, we investigate the teaching subjectivation processes in Biology teacher training courses in Brazil since the 2000s. We specifically aim to comprehend the systems of reasoning that classify and produce spaces to be inhabited by teachers and students. The paper articulates the research ‘Current reforms in Biological Sciences teacher training courses: meaning the curriculum innovation at present time’ (CNPq and Faperj) and ‘Curriculum History: producing a discursive approach for researching curriculum reforms in/of the present time’ with an ongoing doctoral research. In these investigations, we invest in the construction of a discursive approach to historical studies on curricula and disciplines, in dialogue with Michel Foucault and Thomas Popkewitz. In a perspective that focuses on the construction of a history of the present (Reinhart Koselleck), we analyze how the pedagogical discourses constitute a structure of ideas that informs the Science and Biology teachers who he/she is or should be, as well as informs who are the ‘normal’ students and those considered ‘outside the norm’. To accomplish this task, we investigate documents/monuments produced within the scope of the Supervised Internship (produced between 2008 and 2016), which is taught in an Initial Teacher Training Course at a public university in the country. The Supervised Internship is a mandatory curricular component in which future teachers attend regular Science and/or Biology classes during an entire school year. We used as sources the Pedagogical Practice Diaries – which are documents written by teachers in training during Teaching Practice, with reflections on their experiences during the mandatory internship at public schools (municipal, state and federal) – of future teachers who, in this context, attended classes in Youth and Adult Education (in Portuguese – ‘Educação de Jovens e Adultos’ or EJA). Such option refers to the fact that EJA has been considered, both in policies and in academic production, as a modality of teaching offered for students perceived as ‘out of the norm’. In the analysis, we have chosen not to make use of explanations that see power as negative and that focus sometimes on a critique of macro-structures, sometimes on the agency of subjects (teachers and students) as responsible for social transformation. Differently, we understand pedagogical discourses as potent in the constitution of self in a sense that seeks to overcome explanations that take identities as class belonging, race and gender, as enough to understand the irregular trajectory of young and adult students. In this context, aspects such as the binomial theory/practice have regulated the way in which we have become Science and Biology teachers both for regular teaching and for the various types of teaching considered as 'out of the norm', which includes the EJA. Hence, although the specificities of EJA are recognized as important in the decision-making on what to teach, the statements investigated assume that a greater investment in practical activities makes it possible to overcome the difficulties arising from an irregular school trajectory in a heterogeneous class in terms of age and life experiences in the adult world.