Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
Looking at the Portuguese production of history of education in national journals of education and history (1985-2015)
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Carlos Beato, Alda Namora

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


With this text, we intend to expand the balance of the recent Portuguese production in the field of History of Education, which during a first stage was developed using the doctoral theses produced in Portuguese universities or on Portuguese themes as an example. In this second stage, we will devote ourselves to the Portuguese production present in national and international journals. Since both for the selected period and nowadays there is not, in Portugal, a specific journal of History of Education, we have selected a set of journals which we consider the most important among those devoted to both Education, understood as a multidisciplinary area, and History. In either case we can find articles that can be included in the field of History of Education, a field that can be understood as transversal to these two areas. We will make a brief characterization of the selected journals. We will also try to characterize the profile of the authors present in this sample. For the analysis of the corpus formed by the set of articles, we proceeded to an adaptation and simplification of the analysis form we used in the doctoral theses’ case. Therefore, among others, we will systematize and work on themes such as the key-words present in articles, the specific objects of study they focus on, the time and space boundaries they use, their theoretical foundation and respective conceptual framework, and the methodological options assumed by the authors.

In our opinion, the articles published in national and international journals constitute an excellent source to evaluate the recent developments within a disciplinary field such as ours. Currently, regarding the assessment of production, journals are the most prestigious and valued context for the circulation of research results. All of the selected journals are indexed journals, which follow the procedures recognized by the scientific community for a rigorous evaluation by peers. Whether one agrees or not with the prevalence of this tendency, the evaluation of the researchers’ individual work ends up having the publication of articles in these journals as one of its most important indicators. For such reasons, the most productive researchers from their respective communities try to publish in these journals. Therefore, this context may be considered representative. Moreover, the fact that the articles are subjected to rigorous evaluation and improvements during this process leads to an effort made by the authors in order to correspond their productions to the accepted protocols in our field, specifically to use the results of original research, to rigorously delimit the object of study and its problematic, to coherently articulate theoretical foundation and empirical research, to explicit clearly temporal boundaries and research sources, among other elements. Thus, we believe that this corpus can be recognized for having some exemplarity.