Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
The role of the Sanitary Educator Maria Antonieta de Castro in Brazilian Health Education - 1927 to 1950
Claudineia Maria Vischi Avanzini

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


This paper will analyze the contributions of a lesser-known Brazilian woman, however, contributed significantly in innovations in the São Paulo and Brazilian teaching in the area of ​​Health Education, bringing to light her trajectory, her actions and her theoretical references. The examples developed of women active in São Paulo aim to measure how pedagogical innovations emerged and spread throughout the different Brazilian states. The focus on women is intended to foster critical thinking about how gender constructs historical memory of innovation even in a field, such as education, where women were present from the outset. The researched woman is Mrs. Maria Antonieta de Castro (1892-1984), one of the first Sanitary Educators of the country. She was one of the pioneer participates on the First Course for Sanitary Educators at Institute of Hygiene in São Paulo, concluded in 1927. At the course closing ceremony she delivered a speech, published on December 9, 1927 in the newspaper Correio Paulistano. By the same year she arrived the leader position of Sanitary Education department of São Paulo City, responsible for the installations, organization and management of the first activities related to the state health center and the schools in São Paulo. Also in 1927, he won the Children's Literary Awards, with the children's book entitled Papagaio Louro, to disseminate the sanitary education. In 1929, the Brazilian Mental Hygiene League honored her for a work about alcoholism and in 1950, the Standard Oil Company of Brazil honored her as the pioneer in Sanitary Education at São Paulo. She was pioneer in Sanitary Education in São Paulo and also in other Brazilian states. It is also evidenced, in 1929, by a message from the Espírito Santo State Governor. Her actuation can be demonstrated through her responsibility to organize many health education campaigns in the State of São Paulo, (FARIA, 2006, p.193). The temporal cutout starts in 1929 by her Educadora's graduation and finish in 1950 when she got the last honors as a pioneer in the Health Education.