Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
“Making the school a basis for the people to take power”: the experience of polytechnic and patriotic education in the independence of Mozambique (1975-1985)
Octávio José Zimbico, Sérgio Vieira Niuaia

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


This study analyzes the Mozambican experience of Socialist Education in the first ten years of independence (1975 - 1985), focusing on the pedagogical principles of Polytechnic and Patriotic Education, implemented at all educational levels (elementary, secondary and higher), including the Teachers training, as a political project of education for the emancipation of the people and construction of the so-called “New Man” and a New Society. Mozambique was subjected for approximately 400 years to Portuguese colonization. The education system, which was created during the colonization period, was structured in two subsystems, one for the children of the settlers and the assimilated, and the other for the children of the natives, and for the latter they were allocated scarce resources and with deliberate use of a Education (curriculum, school structure, curricular activities) to colonize students' minds. With the independence of Mozambique (1975), the same school that served as an instrument of reproduction of the colonial project underwent a process of transformation, modernized and placed at the service of the construction of emancipated and free subjects of the colonialist mentality. The reading of the experience of Socialist Education for the emancipation of mankind in Mozambique was made from the contributions of Karl Marx and Paulo Freire and supported in printed sources of greater circulation in the country in the period in reference, Tempo Magazine and the Studies and Orientations Collection. The results of this analysis pointed out that the pedagogical principles of polytechnics through the experiences of the School-Community Connection, the articulation between teaching and production practice and the participation of teachers and administration officials in the processes of agricultural and factory production constitute a form of appropriation of the Marxist postulates, advocating a politico-social sense of the emancipation of “man” through education and linkage between intellectual and manual work. Likewise, Patriotic Education present in every educational system, as an idea of ​​an education aimed at promoting political self-awareness, an awareness of the historical process in which the subject finds himself and is an agent, are aligned with the frameworks of the Emancipatory Pedagogy proposed by Paulo Freire, which advocates an education for emancipation, recognizing the autonomy of the rational subject, who has knowledge and freedom, and who collectively, without denying the knowledge built in experience, can break with the oppressive social structure and build a emancipated society. Finally, we observe that the Magazine studied functioned as an element of propaganda and indoctrination aligned with the socialist project of Mozambique, between 1975 and 1985.