Eventos Académicos, 39 ISCHE. Educación y emancipación

Tamaño de fuente: 
French primary teachers in the last decades: their ‘professionalization process’ and social identity problems
Andre Robert

Última modificación: 2017-07-17


In the last quarter of the twentieth century, the “universitarization” of the French primary teachers (“instituteurs”) training triggered a profound change in their professional identity, which has been widely described and analyzed by the literature (Peyronie, 1998, Geay, 1999, Lang, 1999). Insofar as, from a sociological point of view, the notion of professionalization process calls for comparisons between an earlier state and a present state of a profession in terms of actual status and symbolic recognition between the profession itself and the neighbor and / or rival professions, one can first emphasize the gains of professionalization obtained in a few decades by the "instituteurs". However, each process positively evaluated resulting in less favorable results, it is possible to identify elements in the direction of a certain deprofessionalization understood from the same sociological perspective (Isambert-Jamati, Tanguy, 1990, Maroy, 2006). Indeed, during the last two decades, the managerial turn and the rise of accountability have strongly affected the professional autonomy of teachers. Some statistical enquiries and interviews we have driven show this tendency to a form of deprofessionalization.